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Active Bids

Town of Canton >> Business >> RFPs and Contracts >> Active Bids
 Budget Dates  

ALL tennis courts and the basketball courts are CLOSED until further notice

2/24/2023 - Auditing Services

                                                                                                                                    Request for Proposals for Auditing Services

The Town of Canton, Connecticut, acting through its Board of Finance, is seeking proposals from qualified independent public accounting firms to conduct an examination and to render an opinion on the annual financial statements of the Town. An original and seven (7) copies of the proposal must be received in a sealed envelope clearly marked "RFP - Auditing Services" by 11:00 a.m. on Friday, Mar 24, 2023 at the office of the Chief Administrative Officer, 4 Market Street (P 0. Box 168), Collinsville, CT 06022-0168. 

Questions regarding the content of this RFP should be directed to Finance Officer William Geiger at All questions regarding the RFP must be submitted by email. Except as authorized by William Geiger, no Respondent may contact any other employee or elected or appointed official of The Town with respect to the RFP or the submission of a bid. The Town of Canton reserves the right to accept or reject any and all proposals, or any part thereof, if it is in the best interest of the Town.

Click here to review the complete RFP.