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Active Bids

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5/10/2023 - Request for Proposals to Provide Scrap Metal Recycling Services

Town of Canton, CT

Request for Proposals to Provide Scrap Metal Recycling Services

The Town of Canton, through its Chief Administrative Officer (“CAO”), is seeking bids for scrap metals generated by the Town through its recycling program. One (1) original and two (2) copies of sealed bids for the above-named Invitation must be received in the Office of the Chief Administrative Officer, Canton Town Hall, 2nd Floor, 4 Market Street Collinsville, CT by 2:00 PM local time on May 31, 2023, at which time all bids will be publicly opened in the second floor Conference Room of the Canton Town Hall. The Town of Canton will reject bids received after that date and time.

The Invitation to Bid package may be obtained at the Town's website, , under “Bids and RFP’s.”

The Town of Canton is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. Small business enterprises, woman owned businesses, and minority owned businesses are encouraged to participate.

Robert Skinner

Chief Administrative Officer


Click HERE to view complete RFP.